Financial Aid Helpful Forms and Links

There are many valuable resources on the internet to assist students and their families with college planning, including FastWebCollege Board (SAT)ACT, Adventures in Education, Texas ComptrollerU.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Federal Student Aid and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

The Net Price Calculator is a tool to help estimate financial aid and assist with affordability considerations.

Official HPU Student E-mail Account

After HPU assigns an official HPU e-mail account to a student, the student is responsible for checking their HPU e-mail account.  University offices use the student e-mail to send important information and to contact students.  Students will be held responsible for information provided in their e-mail account and for any deadlines missed due to their failure to access their campus e-mail.  If you have any questions regarding your e-mail account, contact the IT department at 325-649-8034.

Financial Aid Forms